Optimization of Special Attention by the Government of Indonesia to Papua through Special Autonomy Volume II
government is considered to have given great attention to development in the
Papua and West Papua regions. This can be seen from the amount of SpecialAutonomy (Otsus) funds for the two regions.
of the Regional Representative Council (DPD) La Nyalla Mahmud Mattalitti said
the total autonomy funds for the two regions reached Rp. 138.65 trillion.
"The government is very siding with
the development of Papua and West Papua and pays special attention"
optimize this attention, good communication and cooperation between the Central
Government and Local Governments is needed. This is indicated by the desire of
the Papua Provincial Government and the Papua Regional People's Representative
Council (DPRD) that they hope that the evaluation of special autonomy will not
be carried out partially because it has no impact on society. A number of main
aspects expected by regions in the regulation have not been realized.
Provincial Government Assistant II Muhammad Musaad said the 2001 Special
Autonomy Law (UU Otsus) should be revised as a solution to solving problems,
not the other way around. Therefore, Musaad said, his party hopes that the
revision of the Special Autonomy Law will not be very shallow in substance.
He is
of the opinion that the draft revision of the Special Autonomy Law prepared by
the central government and the DPR is currently ineffective in resolving the
Papua problem and is biased. It is known that there are three important points
in the Papua Special Autonomy Bill proposed by the government.
the government will increase the Papua's special autonomy fund, from the
original 2 percent of the general allocation fund (DAU) to 2.25 percent.
the government regulates the guidance and supervision of Papua's special
autonomy funds into government regulations (PP). Third, the government can
divide regions in Papua without going through the preparatory stages as
regulated in the Regional Government Law.
are only three articles amended in the Papua Special Autonomy Bill, namely
Article 1 concerning general definitions, Article 34 concerning sources of
regional revenues and balancing funds, and Article 76 concerning regional
said that the Papua Provincial Government hopes that there are five main
frameworks in the Papua Special Autonomy Bill, namely the existence of
authority, institutional structure, finance, policy and politics, law, and
human rights (HAM).
revealed that the Papua Provincial Government has provided these five main
frameworks in the draft of the Special Autonomy Plus Law since 2014. However,
until now, the draft regulation has not been included in the priority of the
National Legislation Program at the DPR.
chairman of the Special Autonomy Special Committee for the DPRD Papua, Thomas
Sondegau, said that his party deeply regretted the attitude of the central
government which only revised a few articles in the draft Special Autonomy Law.
In fact, the people of Papua are waiting for changes with the revised
existence of different views in responding to the revision of Otsus indicates
that good communication has not been carried out between the Central Government
and the Regional Government. Therefore, it is hoped that the two parties will
jointly carry out the discussion along with the involvement of the Papuan
community in order to create a good and long-term useful evaluation.
Jeffery Sahak
Papuan Observer
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