Optimization of Special Attention by the Government of Indonesia to Papua through Special Autonomy Volume II
The government is considered to have given great attention to development in the Papua and West Papua regions. This can be seen from the amount of SpecialAutonomy (Otsus) funds for the two regions. Chairman of the Regional Representative Council (DPD) La Nyalla Mahmud Mattalitti said the total autonomy funds for the two regions reached Rp. 138.65 trillion. "The government is very siding with the development of Papua and West Papua and pays special attention" To optimize this attention, good communication and cooperation between the Central Government and Local Governments is needed. This is indicated by the desire of the Papua Provincial Government and the Papua Regional People's Representative Council (DPRD) that they hope that the evaluation of special autonomy will not be carried out partially because it has no impact on society. A number of main aspects expected by regions in the regulation have not been realized. Papua Provincial Government Ass...